Help Farmers – Build Community

Newman’s Own has donated +$600M to charity since 1982. We want to thank the late, great actor for inspiring us to create this Fair Trade market that gives back.

When you make a purchase you can choose the beneficiary to receive the retail portion – 35%

Buy Kampot Pepper and help famine victims in the Horn of Africa

There’s pepper and then there’s Cambodia’s Kampot pepper. You might think that the stuff that comes out of shakers and grinders is pretty much the same wherever you go, but to increasing numbers of chefs, restaurateurs and foodies, ordinary pepper bears as much resemblance to Kampot pepper as vin de table does to fine Bordeaux. 

The Give Back Market is a unique e-commerce/fulfillment platform created to help smallholder organic farmers and to generate much needed funding for community and global causes. Thank you for supporting Fair Trade Kampot Pepper/h3>

To all pepper lovers: Once you try Kampot Pepper no other pepper will do. Make Kampot Pepper – the best pepper in the world. Your tabletop choice Helps Farmers & Feeds Kids!

This Social Purpose portal is a first step in the long-term vision for creating a community-based, Fair Trade distribution system not just for pepper growers and salt producers in Cambodia but for small organic spice growers around the globe. The $24 Billion global spice market is ripe for a ‘Disruption for Good’ play. Our long term goal is to secure 2% of that market and that would direct hundreds of millions towards ending hunger and poverty. That is our social purpose.